8 Things to Consider for Your Home and Yard Maintenance This Fall

8 Things To Consider For Your Home And Yard Maintenance This Fall

Winter is coming!  Seasonal home and yard maintenance is important to ensure that things happen smoothly, especially in a city like Anchorage. This also helps avoid costly repairs later on.

Cool temperatures slow above ground growth and moister soil encourages strong root development. Removing spent stems, dead branches, and heavy leaf cover protects plants’ overall health. Here are some expert tips on how you can maintain your home and yard this fall:

Collect Debris1. Examine different spots for debris:
Clear leaves, dirt, and pine needles from gutters and examine downspouts for damage or loose pieces.  Also make sure to check the flashing around your chimney and any openings in the roof, such as skylights for leaking problems.

2. Check walkways carefully:
It’s best to check walkways now for cracks and loose paver material which may cause tripping or accidents.

3. Store the outdoor furniture:
Make sure to power wash all your outdoor furniture and cushions.  Once dry, store cushions in dry area to prevent cracking, and fading over the fall and winter months. One spring comes along next year; you will have them ready for use!

4. Fertilize:
In order to deter spring weeds and winter lawn damage, don’t forget to fertilize. Fertilizing also helps to prevent bugs from snuggling down in soil thru the winter and resurfacing in spring. We can help!

Collect Leaves5. Collect leaves:
If saving your fallen leaves, rake them onto a plastic tarp to make them easier to transport. If you want your leaves gone – we can rake, bag, and haul away.

6. Moose Protection:

To keep the moose from chomping your trees, you might consider some moose protection.  There are a few products on the market that afford some success.  We can also place a protective netting over the tops of trees to thwart snacking!

7. Clean the gutters:
Before fall rains and winter snowstorms, clear away any leaf or debris build-up within your gutters so that flow isn’t inhibited. Otherwise, water will flow off the roof in big sheets, potentially harming your siding and landscaping.

Plant Bulbs8. Plant bulbs:
Although you can plant new bulbs come spring, the fall is a good time to get some smaller bulbs into the ground – and then you’ll have something already in the ground when the weather starts warming up, and you can enjoy watching them grow.

As a home and yard maintenance service in Anchorage, we’re always willing to assist you in prepping up your yard and making it ready for the fall. We want to ensure that your lawn will quickly look beautiful next spring!

Contact us for landscaping, Trash Removal or Handyman Services

Tony Lawrence

35 years ago, Tony Lawrence started offering landscape and lawn maintenance services to Anchorage, Alaska residents. Over the years he’s added needed services, such as trash hauls and handyman. Now, Tony’s is the service to call to get your job done!

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