Essential Tips For Readying Your Home For An Anchorage Winter

Essential Tips For Readying Your Home For An Anchorage Winter

Winter is a wonderful time, but with all the snowfall comes a host of responsibilities in terms of home maintenance. Snowfall is exciting for the young and old until the temperature drops and the fun takes a turn. Having said that, the winter chores and tasks around the home can be tackled with a little organization and planning.

Seal those gaps:

Seal those gapsWinter care for your home is as important as with any other season, and brings its own challenges and unique checklist. Every home has a few inconsistencies when constructed, and these little gaps and openings let in the cold winter air, leaving your rooms chilly and forcing you to waste energy trying to raise the indoor temperatures. You can find these draft points by simply using a lit candle and pointing them to areas like windows and walls and the gaps. You can seal these spots using a caulking gun or weather stripping products, thus insulating your home from the cold weather outside

Check the Insulation:

Check the InsulationInsulation is very essential for freezing winters. The first step wouyld be to check if your insulation system is prepared to protect you from the cold? Check and add extra insulation in the attic in order to prevent ice dams. Finally, do check your propane tank as the cold weather can change the chemical properties of the gas, making it extremely dangerous. Keeping an explosion-proof light installed near the tank.

Fixing the Step Repairs, Handrails, Handicap Ramps are just some ideas to make your home easier for you or your loved ones.

Winterization for the home exteriors:

Calling in snow plowing & snow blowing servicesNow that we’ve taken care of the inside of the house, let’s take a look at the outside. With a layer of snowfall, there is a danger of slippery surfaces on your deck, stairs, driveway and sidewalk. With heavy movement in these areas during the holiday season, it’s important to clear the snow regularly.

Calling in snow plowing & snow blowing services on a regular basis will ensure that there’s no unnecessary build-up of snow and thereby preventing accidents.

Also do remember to check your roofs regularly as the intensity of snowfall increases. Getting your roof shoveled along with your driveway and clearing away the snow will ensure that your roof stays strong, preventing leaks and cracks.

Finally, do tend to the trees in your property, get them trimmed and regularly remove dead branches so they do not damage your home or injure someone.

We hope that you find these tips useful and that they make this winter a very beautiful and safe one for your family.

If you don’t have the time to carry out these chores, we are happy to lend a helping hand. With a range of winter services ranging from Snow Removal, Holiday Lighting, Handyman and Trash Hauls.

Tony Lawrence

35 years ago, Tony Lawrence started offering landscape and lawn maintenance services to Anchorage, Alaska residents. Over the years he’s added needed services, such as trash hauls and handyman. Now, Tony’s is the service to call to get your job done!