Best Energy-Saving Tips for Alaskan Winters

Best Energy-Saving Tips for Alaskan Winters

When you consider Alaska is separated from the lower 48 and is home to the northernmost parts of the country, the energy bills in the state constancy rank as some of the highest average monthly costs in America. Considering high kilowatt per hour costs and the long, cold winters, you must take every step possible to ensure you don’t unnecessarily rack up a high bill due to mismanaged resources. Read through this list of the best energy-saving tips for Alaskan winters to learn what you can do to cut down your monthly expenses.

Addressing the Window Problem

Most of the warm air leaking out of your house escapes through your windows. Even if you’ve been careful about sealing the edges of your windows, air can seep out directly through the glass. So, other than sealing the frame, ensure that your home has high-quality, multi-panned, winterized glass. If you have an older home, you’ll need even more protection from the harsh winter weather: old homes have windows with only one or two thin layers of glass.

During this time of year, many Alaskans will put blankets over their windows, use insulation shrink kits, or use other DIY approaches. Take the appropriate steps to ensure your house is warm, especially if you have thin windows!

Programable Smart Thermostats

If you use a thermostat to regulate the heat in your home, it’s time to upgrade to a smart device that can have programmable fluctuating temperatures. It’s estimated that you save about two percent on your heating bill every degree you lower the thermostat. Over time, that adds up to hundreds of dollars. So, during the warmer hours of the day, you can have your thermostat adjust to lower temperatures, then it can get warmer at night when you need the extra heat.

You can link some smart thermostats to your phone, so you can adjust your home’s temperature even when you’re not there. This way, you can lower the thermostat when you leave the house but raise it when you’re headed back so you can enter into a house that’s already cozy.

Attic Insulation

Since hot air rises, the other place you need to insulate is your attic. Air that escapes to the attic isn’t doing you any good, so make sure that the insulation above the ceiling is doing its job by keeping it contained to living spaces. If you haven’t had your insulation inspected in a while, one of our expert handymen can check your attic or crawl space to ensure air isn’t going up there.

If there is an issue with your insulation, we can recommend the type of product that would work best in your house. Then, we can install it, so you can rest easy knowing the job was done right.

Use this collection of the best energy-saving tips for Alaskan winters to keep expensive heating costs down this season. If you have any more questions about our handyman services in Anchorage, reach out to the Cook Inlet Property Management team!