Landscaping & Fire Safety

Your landscaping isn’t just about aesthetic appeal, it plays an integral part in safeguarding your home against fires, especially during Alaskan summers. When the season turns hot and dry, the risk of wildfires escalates, making it crucial to be prepared. Incorporating certain precautions in your landscaping can significantly mitigate potential damage, should a fire occur in your vicinity.

Check out the link to Firewise Alaska Self-Assessment Checklist for valuable guidelines to protect your property in the event of a fire. Your safety can be ensured by implementing these measures.

-Building & driveway edging

We have an array of beneficial services prepared for your needs, such as:

-Roof & gutter cleaning

-Junk / debris removal

-Dry or dead vegetation removal

-Tree & bush trimming / pruning

-Shrub removal

-Routine lawn care – maintaining 3” grass or less

FireWise Self-Assessment Guide

FireWise Alaska Brochure